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UID: 1018997
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0楼  发表于: 2021-01-06 23:25


“Doggy-style is probably the best position for double penetration. You can rest on all fours while one partner penetrates your vagina or anus from behind and another partner inserts an object (strap-on, finger, toy, penis) into your mouth,” says O’Reilly.
“双插的最佳体位可能是小狗式。 您可以四肢放松,一个伴侣从后面插入您的阴道或肛门,而另一个伴侣将一个物体(穿戴式假阳具,手指,玩具,阴茎)插入您的嘴中,” O’Reilly说。
“Consider the order of insertion. If you want to insert a penis into the vagina while also wearing a butt plug, you might find that inserting the butt plug first makes it easier to move around and change positions,” says O’Reilly.
要仔细考虑插入顺序。 如果您想将阴茎插入阴道又要插入肛塞,您可能会发现先插入肛塞可以更轻松地移动和改变位置(来将弟弟插入阴道)。” O’Reilly说。
?“Follow your body’s natural intuition. Every body is different, so a position that works for one person may be uncomfortable for another,” says O’Reilly.
“遵循身体的感觉。 每个人的身体都不尽相同,因此适合一个人的体位可能会使另一个人感到不舒服。” O’Reilly说。
“The tissue lining in the rectum is soft and stretchy, aka more prone to tears than the vaginal walls. So ditch the too-hard, too-fast movements when penetrating the anus,” says Ken Blackman, sex and relationship expert.
直肠中的组织粘膜柔软而有弹性,比阴道壁更容易被撕裂。 性交关系专家Ken Blackman说。
“Do not allow the person or object that has been penetrating the anus to switch to the vagina,” says Alex Miller, sexologist for Orchid Toys. “Switching places during intercourse, therefore transferring anal bacteria to the vagina, may cause various infections.”
兰花玩具的性学家Alex Miller说:“不要让已经插过肛门的阴茎或物体插入阴道。” “如果性交时切换位置,肛门细菌可以被转移到阴道,导致各种感染。”
“If your mouth is one of the orifices that will be used, discuss a signal beforehand in case you want everything to stop or to slow down during the act,” says JC Ways, sex coach at Sex Toy Collective. Our suggestion? Tapping the floor once with your hand means slow down, tapping the floor twice with your hand means stop. And if your mouth isn’t being used, it’s still important to have a safe word (like “pineapple” or “red”) if it’s becoming too much.
“如果您的嘴也要被插,请事先确定一个表达方式,在您需要停下来的时候使用” Sex Toy Collective的性爱教练JC Ways说。 我们的建议? 用手轻敲地板一次表示需要减慢速度,轻敲地板两次表示需要停下来。如果您的嘴没有被占用,确定安全词是很重要的(例如“菠萝”或“红色”)。
“Avoid numbing lube. The last thing you want to do is numb your nether regions, overdo it, and then get handed a buttload of pain the morning—pun intended,” says Alice Vaughn, cohost of the sex-positive podcast
避免有麻醉作用的润滑油。不要使任何一个洞被麻醉和过度使用,然后你第二天早上只会有一屁股的疼痛。性爱播客的主持人Alice Vaughn说。
“Although many couples will stick with toys, tread carefully if you’re planning on bringing in a friend. Openly lay out the rules and prepare for the unexpected scenarios, which you both may not be ready for,” says sex therapist Carolina Pataky, PhD, founder of South Florida’s Love Discovery. “Fantasies are safe, but real-life scenarios can wreak havoc for the unprepared.”
“许多夫妇会仅仅使用玩具,但如果您打算结识同好,请小心谨慎。 你需要制定规则,为意外情况做准备,而这两种情况您可能都还没有做好。”南佛罗里达爱情发现基金会的创始人,性治疗师Carolina Pataky博士说。 “幻想是安全的,但现实生活中的场景可能会对没有准备好的人造成严重破坏。”